grandkid in a sentence

That way my kids’ grandkids can have a chance to see caribou, he says.

It used to be an event just for his neighbours and grandkids’ hockey teaMs.
At the ophthalmologist: A grandmother, mother, and grandkid come in together.

615480 She loved her kids and grandkids and enjoyed the time she spent with them.

I think — for kids, for grandkids — it’s been always worth living for our motherland.

Mainly probably because of my grandkids now, I want to leave something for them, he said.

Proximity to grandkids and family is a big consideration for many retirees, Brimhall says.

They might want larger spaces so their kids and grandkids can come visit without feeling cramped.

These films were part of my childhood and now I see my kids and grandkids watching them,” he said.

852545 This treaty gives us the possibility of giving our grandkids a liveable world,”” she adds.”

It also has allowed my parents who live 2,400 miles away to see their grandkids on a regular basis.

“We got 23 grandkids, so I get to spend a lotta time with them, and it’s extraordinarily enjoyable.”

When the Newtown shootings happened I had grandkids who were the same age as those kids, Simon said.